2/7/2019  EMD
Preparedness is everyone’s job. Preparedness is not just for government agencies, but all sectors of society. Service providers, businesses, civic and volunteer groups, industry associations and neighborhood associations, as well as every individual citizen should plan ahead for disaster. During the first few hours or days following a disaster, essential services may not be available. People must be ready to act on their own. Para obtener información en Español haga clic en el siguiente enlace” ( Click on the following link to get information in Spanish.) www.mil.wa.gov/preparese
Two Weeks Ready: Be Prepared. Build Kits. Help Each Other. Download our new brochure and add the emergency information card, as well. Our thanks to the Seattle Office of Emergency Management for developing this brochure and offering it to us for statewide customization.

NEW! Download our drop, cover and hold earthquake scenarios map.

Map Your Neighborhood works.

You don't have to do it all at once. Prepare in a Year.

Emergency Management Division Publications

The publications listed here can be accessed by clicking on the links below. Also, these publications, along with many others, can be found by visiting the State Emergency Management website at https://mil.wa.gov/other-links/publications.

How You Should Prepare

Alert & Notification Warnings

The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is the primary means for providing the public with critical alert information about an emergency or disaster. Under EAS requirements, radio, TV and cable TV stations must participate at the National level or specifically request a waiver from the FCC. Further, they are encouraged to voluntarily participate in state and local EAS plans.

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