1843 Fort Nisqually site tour

Event Details
DuPont Civic Center
1700 Civic Drive
DuPont, WA 98327
United States
Event Dates and Times
Time Zone (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
1843 Site Tours

The DuPont Historical Society and Museum present the original 1843 Fort Nisqually site tour coming up on Saturday, September 18, 2021, 1:00 and 2:30 p.m. Tours are open to all ages of the public, however, children 12 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. We will be walking on rough, uneven ground, and being outside there may be some bugs and bees around.

The original 1843 Fort Nisqually site is located on Center Drive, DuPont WA across the street from the DuPont Civic Center 1700 Civic Drive. Please park in the Civic Center Parking lot and use the crossing light at Civic and Center Drive to walk to the fort site.

For more information, please e-mail us at [email protected] or call 253-964-2399.

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